
Gina Wang works under Transglobal in order to provide loans for her clients. These loans can especially help clients who want the convenience of having the entire real estate process done all in one place, and those who may have trouble getting loans at financial centers.

Residential Real Estate Loan
-flexible application eligibility
-offers preferential rates under fixed and floating rate options

Commercial Real Estate Loan
-offers flexible loan terms and competitive rates
-interest rates based on individual circumstances of the loan

Private Loan
-cross-bridge loan for 6-12 months, maximum loan ratio of 60%
-short-term loan for 3 years, maximum loan ratio of 50%

Federal Small and Medium Enterprise Administration Loan
-flexible down payment (up to 10%) collateral conditions
-longer repayment period (up to 25 years) than traditional loans

These are just examples of loans that are offered by Transglobal, each client is subject to different rates. To learn more about this, contact Gina Wang, and we will come up with a plan based on your situation.