Financial Management

Services Gina provides that are affiliated with Transglobal:

Residential Real Estate Loan
-flexible application eligibility
-offers preferential rates under fixed and floating rate options

Commercial Real Estate Loan
-offers flexible loan terms and competitive rates
-interest rates based on individual circumstances of the loan

Private Loan
-cross-bridge loan for 6-12 months, maximum loan ratio of 60%
-short-term loan for 3 years, maximum loan ratio of 50%

Federal Small and Medium Enterprise Administration Loan
-flexible down payment (up to 10%) collateral conditions
-longer repayment period (up to 25 years) than traditional loans

There are many other services that are offered by TransGlobal ranging from insurance to loans, to wealth management.

If you want to learn more about Transglobal, feel free to contact Gina Wang, or visit the official Transglobal website: